The Red Mite in coconut plantations in the state of Falcón.
The Red Coconut Mite Raoiella indica Hirst is native to southern Asia. It mainly attacks palms, and is located on the underside of leaves. Its damage causes yellowing of the leaflets, which later turn brown. Adults are deep red with long setae, while females have dark spots on the back of their bodies. Eggs are laid on the underside of the leaflets.
Nageshachandra, B.K. y G.P. Chan-
nabasavanna. 1984. Develop-
ment and ecology of Raoiella in-
dica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae)
on coconut. Griffiths, D. A. &
Bowman, C.E. (eds.), Acarology
VI. 2: 785-790.
Rodríguez J., C.V., Ochoa R. y Kane
E. 2007. First report of Raoiella
indica Hirst. (Acari: Tehuipalpi-
dae) and its damage to coco-
nut palms in Puerto Rico and
Culebra Islands. International
Journal of Acarology, 33(1): 3-5.
nabasavanna. 1984. Develop-
ment and ecology of Raoiella in-
dica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae)
on coconut. Griffiths, D. A. &
Bowman, C.E. (eds.), Acarology
VI. 2: 785-790.
Rodríguez J., C.V., Ochoa R. y Kane
E. 2007. First report of Raoiella
indica Hirst. (Acari: Tehuipalpi-
dae) and its damage to coco-
nut palms in Puerto Rico and
Culebra Islands. International
Journal of Acarology, 33(1): 3-5.
How to Cite
Lugo, Z., Perozo, J., Ramos, F., Martínez, W., & Fernández, A. (2011). The Red Mite in coconut plantations in the state of Falcón. INIA Divulga, 19(19), 39-42. Retrieved from