Manejo de los huertos de cítricos en presencia de Huanglongbing
Huanglongbing (HLB), Greening or Likubin is a disease that in Venezuela is caused by the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, and is transmitted by the Asian psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Photo 1). There are two other species, the American (Ca. L. americanus) and the African (Ca. L. africanus), the latter being transmitted by Trioza erytreae (Del Güercio).
The bacterium obstructs the conducting vessels of the phloem, which restricts the transport of sugars, starches and minerals to the rest of the plant, resulting in a gradual decrease in production, lower quality fruits due to a reduction in Brix degrees, juice bitter taste and fruit drop on adult trees making them completely unproductive.
The disease is widespread in all citrus producing countries of America and so far there is no variety, or rootstock immune or tolerant to the disease. However, the rootstock US-812 (HRS-812) is the one with the highest number of HLB tolerance genes, while US-942 (HRS-942) has the least number of tolerance genes, when compared to US- 812. This article was prepared in the course of 2017 in order to offer basic information to the reader to guide them in the identification and management of the disease.
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