Artisan cheese making with goat's milk: a food alternative
In the production of cheeses in small and medium-sized cheese factories, the manufacturing systems correspond to traditional processes, based on knowledge transmitted from generation to generation. Cheese making, like any other food product, is generally characterized by being a production in which there is a close integration between obtaining the raw material (milk) and the cheese-making establishments (cheese makers); It must use reliable raw materials and be manufactured according to a plan that ensures excellent health and nutritional quality.
On the other hand, good manufacturing practices are a set of work procedures that ensure that food is safe, hygienic and attractive to the consumer, preventing contamination of the food.
The objective of this work is to provide a tool that guides institutional and community action, in order to implement step by step good manufacturing practices and production techniques that allow improving the quality of products, strengthening capacities and giving added value. to the raw material generated by the animal, such as milk. Likewise, it is intended to raise awareness about the importance of good animal handling throughout the process from the moment of milking.
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