Training plan in the production of goat dairy products
In the state of Barinas, goat farming is incipient, with production methods and systems that range from extensive to intensive, from places where they are raised, preferably for meat production, to areas where their main income represents it. milk production. Economically, it can be shown that the best resources for a goat production are found with the production of milk, which can be consumed alone or transformed into cheese.
The current value of artisan cheeses produced in the country has attractive prices, although with little demand. However, this transformation allows breeders to market their cheeses in the main cities and thus generate some income.
The current artisanal goat milk cheeses are produced with little technology, there is no control of the quality of the milk, nor is it pasteurized, a natural rennet maintained in poor conditions is used, the elaboration is done in unhygienic processes, usually not they are packaged, and their transportation and marketing is done under precarious circumstances.
The marginality of peasant production systems and especially goats, is characterized by the absence of practices to give added value to the products generated. In them, the rationale for families to increase their income is to have a greater number of animals, instead of raising fewer animals and obtaining greater productivity from them. In both cases, technology is required that is accessible to ecological and socioeconomic circumstances, as well as to the markets where the products are marketed.
Within the framework of institutional integration: Comprehensive Plan for the Dairy Development of Goats and Sheep (PIDELCO), National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA), Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (IICA) and the Science and Technology Foundation (FUNDACITE), and Considering the aforementioned aspects, the training plan on cheese making with goat's milk was carried out in the Cruz Paredes municipality of Barinas state, in order to strengthen the capacities of goat producers in the production of products. dairy in the state.
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