Training program of the Socialist School of Tropical Agriculture Barinas Regional Center

  • Alexis Briceño INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas.
  • Margelys Salazar INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas.
  • María Navas INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas.
  • Neyo Pérez INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas.
  • Raíza Gómez INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas.


Venezuela is currently making a great effort to strengthen the paths that promote agricultural production, which lead to food security and sovereignty, the transformation of social relations of production and the dignity of the Venezuelan population.

In this sense, in order to provide a timely and comprehensive response to the mass planting plan, it is necessary for professionals and producers to receive agricultural training in the comprehensive management of the main items. With this, it is guaranteed that they have the necessary knowledge to carry out an effective accompaniment and monitoring of production processes, which responds to the development of each of the production stages.

To comply with the above, the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA), approves the Socialist School of Tropical Agriculture, Regional Center (ESAT Barinas), through Resolution No. 1986 of the Board of Directors No. 194 dated 11/03/2015, which, As a school of thought, it is built from research to teaching and establishes five transversal axes: the tropical dimension, sustainable development, innovation, socialist agrarian model, food security and sovereignty.

That is why INIA, through the extension coordination of ESAT Barinas, offers studies not leading to an academic degree and has designed curricular networks for two graduates, the first: Nutrition and food strategies in tropical animal production systems and the second: Integrated management of pests and diseases, within the framework of three of its main functions, such as: capacity development, creation and application of methodologies and instruments, and knowledge management to help improve the performance of public and private actors , in its efforts to achieve a more productive, competitive and decisive agriculture for the development of the territories and rural well-being. These graduates opened the ESAT Barinas training action, which will progressively provide various opportunities for studies leading to and not leading to an academic degree.


Escuela Socialista de Agricultura Tropical. 2008. Reglamento, Mimeografi ado INIA, Maracay Venezuela.
How to Cite
Briceño , A., Salazar, M., Navas , M., Pérez, N., & Gómez , R. (2018). Training program of the Socialist School of Tropical Agriculture Barinas Regional Center. INIA Divulga, 40(40), 56-59. Retrieved from