Methodological strategies for the preparation of territorial development plans
The development experiences, carried out by institutional action in rural communities, have not generated the much desired development, not for lack of resources, but for commitment and participation of the collective. Considering these aspects, up-to-date development approaches are required that respond to the realities of the territories towards a sustainable transformation with community management and action, overcoming the conception of conventional development as social assistance, towards a true development strategy, attending to the territorial spaces with the goal of achieving the greatest social and territorial cohesion.
In this sense, Sepúlveda (2008) defines the territorial development plan with a social character, as a rural development instrument, aimed at small and medium producers and their families, with scarce land and capital resources, who carry out agriculture oriented to the market and derive their income mainly from agricultural production.
The development experiences, carried out by institutional action in rural communities, have not generated the much desired development, not for lack of resources, but for commitment and participation of the collective. Considering these aspects, up-to-date development approaches are required that respond to the realities of the territories towards a sustainable transformation with community management and action, overcoming the conception of conventional development as social assistance, towards a true development strategy, attending to the territorial spaces with the goal of achieving the greatest social and territorial cohesion.
In this sense, Sepúlveda (2008) defines the territorial development plan with a social character, as a rural development instrument, aimed at small and medium producers and their families, with scarce land and capital resources, who carry out agriculture oriented to the market and derive their income mainly from agricultural production.
Ramírez, E. 2015. Modelos de participación ciudadana. Una propuesta integradora. España. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Zaragoza. 324 p.
Sepúlveda, S. 2008. Gestión del desarrollo sostenible en territorios rurales: Metodología para la Planifi cación. San José de Costa Rica. IICA. 739 p.