Basic infrastructure for the distribution of equipment in the production of animal feed
The protection of equipment and materials, as well as, the product generated in every factory is of vital importance to guarantee its quality; In this sense, it is necessary to have a reasonable infrastructure that provides sufficient spaces and guarantees the ergonomics of the worker, coupled with the use of the equipment and machinery used in the agro-industrial process. Considering these premises, an artisanal unit for the processing and production of foods formulated for animal species was established in a practical, simple and appropriate way for small producers.
The distribution of the necessary equipment in the processing of raw materials for animal feed must be in tune and synchronized in such a way that it allows a good use of space, time, equipment performance, protection and personal safety of the operator, cleaning and maintenance and in Definitive that allows obtaining the product with less risk, but with the highest possible quality, guaranteeing the useful life of the equipment, the product and of course the infrastructure. In addition, it must be identified with all the safety regulations and alerts within the industrial process.
The company was conceived to dedicate itself to the production and commercialization of animal feed formulated to be used in a community or family way in order to improve local animal production systems. For this, an existing basic infrastructure of an area of 80 square meters was consolidated for the protection of the processing equipment, selection and classification of the raw material and storage of the generated product. For the manufacture of food, artisanal equipment necessary for the dehydration of raw material with a capacity of 600 kg / day is used, accompanied by a hammer mill, mixer, a pelletizer, drying tunnel and packing machine, all of them synchronized to process two tons of food per day, support the financing and development plans of the urban and rural territories that the State carries out in order to contribute to the security and agri-food sovereignty in the Portuguese state.
The plant is located in the Los Alcaravanes community, Alto Barinas parish, Barinas municipality, Barinas state; Financial support was requested for the acquisition of machinery, equipment, blacksmith materials, tools, working capital and improvements to the warehouse infrastructure. The final product obtained is a laboratory certified animal feed, formulated by specialists in animal nutrition and feeding, of quality, easy handling and mobility, with alternative materials from the locality, in bags of 40, 20 and 10 kilograms, adjusted at affordable prices. by producers and families who want a rural or family business. Generating a production capacity of 2 Ton / day of formulated feed, classified by species.