Artificial hatchability in local hen in the state of Bolívar Venezuela year 2016

  • Ernesto Martínez INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Bolívar


In chicken production systems, the obtaining of eggs and meat constitutes the ultimate goal of the activity; for which, the reproduction process is essential.

58.82% of the total (17) of the studied localities, in October 2015 during a tour of the municipalities: Cedeño, Sucre, Heres, Caroní, Piar and Gran Sabana of Bolívar state, corresponded to extensive production systems; followed by the intensive ones with 29.42% and finally the semi-intensive ones 11.76%. In which, the reproduction of the bird population is carried out by means of natural incubation; unlike intensive systems, in which replacement chicks come from artificial incubation.

In this sense, it is intended to disseminate some exploratory experiences, on the artificial hatchability process, to improve flocks of birds in poultry production systems: rural, peri-urban and urban. This information was compiled in the years 2014 to 2015, in Hato Gil, Caroní municipality of Bolívar state, headquarters of the National Institute of Agricultural Research.


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How to Cite
Martínez , E. (2018). Artificial hatchability in local hen in the state of Bolívar Venezuela year 2016. INIA Divulga, 39(39), 25-30. Retrieved from