Improved Creole hen from Bolívar-Venezuela state

  • Ernesto Martínez INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícola del Estado Bolívar


When the hens are raised in freedom (extensive system), there is no control of the crosses, which generates as a consequence, problems due to consanguinity (inbreeding); that is, children where their parents are close relatives. This can be evidenced in the reduction of the average values ​​of one or more characteristics of economic interest (meat and eggs) in animal production, Ocampo and Cardona, 2013.

During a tour of the municipalities: Cedeño, Sucre, Heres, Caroní, Piar and Gran Sabana of Bolívar state, it was found that 58.82% of the total of 17 localities studied, in October 2015, corresponded to extensive production systems, followed by intensive with 29.42% and last 11.76% semi-intensive. Which translates into a loss in the performance of family poultry production due to the management of birds.

In order to disseminate some experiences, carried out during the years 2012 to 2016 in Hato Gil, headquarters of the National Institute of Agricultural Research, Caroní municipality, San Félix Bolívar state, the following work was carried out. This intended to contribute to the improvement of chicken production, which implied decision-making by the breeder; in order to implement actions such as: selection, crossing and management of lots under a semi-intensive system, in order to preserve the genetic variability of bird populations, acceptable production levels and use of local resources of rural communities settled in the region guayanese.


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How to Cite
Martínez, E. (2018). Improved Creole hen from Bolívar-Venezuela state. INIA Divulga, 39(39), 31-38. Retrieved from