Effect of gibberellic acid on the picking of the pineapple variety Valera roja
The rooting of the basal offspring is late, which leads to obtaining a low percentage of sticking in the field. For this reason, in this research, it is proposed to evaluate the effect of gibberellic acid on the rooting of the basal shoots of the Valera red variety, which is characterized by being a plant with long, thin, reddish-green leaves and with thorns from the base, the fruit is conical in shape and with a purple or yellow skin and a long peduncle.
The trial was established in the El Cují Experimental Field. The vegetative material was obtained from planting areas of the Trujillo state, basal offspring with good morphological and physiological state, which were disinfected prior to the test. Photo 2 a and b.
The design used was completely randomized with four repetitions with 20 plants each and 2 treatments, one applying giberelic acid (GA3) in doses of (25mg / 125ml), by immersion of the offspring for 10 minutes and the other without treatment.
Montilla, I., S. Fernández, D. Alcalá y M. Gallardo. 1997. El cultivo de la piña en Venezuela. Maracay-Venezuela. Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias del Estado Lara, IICA/CREA/Prociandino/Fruthex. 93 p.