Establishment of coffee lots to obtain seed in the Bolívar municipality of Barinas state

  • Cesar Barrientos INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas
  • Heli Andrade INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Barinas


Coffee productivity at the national level continues to be low, mainly due to the applied technological profile and low prices in the domestic market, where there are limitations that prevent better results both economically and socially. It also stands out the use of many varieties within the same batch, which does not guarantee the quality of the seed in terms of cultivars.

Likewise, the low productivity is partly caused by the advanced age of the plantations and the low availability of quality seed. In this regard, it can be noted that the use of cultivars that entered the country in the 60s and 70s predominates, which shows the acceptance by the producers and likewise the little development of national cultivars.

Therefore, it is necessary to have quality seeds; of cultivars of high yield and adaptation, that guarantee the productivity and consequently the quality of life of the families dedicated to the cultivation of coffee.


This is why most of the most productive plantations are characterized by having as varieties Catuaí, Caturra, Bourbón and in some cases the Typica variety, and recently the use of cultivars tolerant to coffee rust such as INIA 01 and Araguaney that are attractive as a palliative of the situation.

Thus, one of the first provisions to supply quality seed is the supply of those varieties that are recommended. That is why the use of these would help to improve the supply of basic seed and thereby increase the possibilities of specifying the controlled seed production phase in production centers in the hands of coffee producers. Faced with this problem, the producers of the Bolívar municipality of Barinas state requested the support of the INIA, which responded, making technical visits to coffee growers interested in producing coffee seeds, where some standards of the National Seed Commission were taken into account (CONASEM) and that we must always keep in mind such as: having enough water (irrigation), adequate agroecological conditions, easy access for supervision, among others.


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How to Cite
Barrientos, C., & Andrade , H. (2017). Establishment of coffee lots to obtain seed in the Bolívar municipality of Barinas state. INIA Divulga, 38(38), 53-61. Retrieved from