Production of potato vitroplants in liquid culture medium under static system

  • Agustín Fariña INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira
  • Dayana Niño INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira.
  • Susan Duque INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira.
  • Juan Maldonado INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira.
  • Sara Roa INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira.
  • José Lucas Peña INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas del Estado Táchira.


In the investigations that have been carried out in potato cultivation, seed production is an activity that requires an evolution towards more efficient and lower-cost techniques, the fundamental objective is to produce a planting material with varietal purity, proven phytosanitary quality, with resources and materials accessible in the country.

The term plant tissue culture refers to the in vitro culture of any living plant structure, be it a cell, tissue or organ, under aseptic conditions (Mejía, 1988), in which the explant must be provided with an appropriate environment and an artificial growing medium that provides the necessary nutrients for the plant.

In Venezuela, in vitro tissue culture is an alternative for the commercial production of potato seed with high varietal purity and virus-free, but it is strongly limited by the high costs of reagents and the difficulty of obtaining them, especially those gelling agents, since most of the reagents and components used for the preparation of the medium are imported and represent between 70 and 90% of the costs of the culture medium (Prakash et al., 2004; Orellana, 1998).

In the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Pueblo Hondo Local Station of the National Institute of Agricultural Research of the Táchira state (INIA), the production of potato vitroplants in liquid medium was evaluated, using the culture medium Murashige and Skoog (1962; MS ), in a static system (without agitation) in the multiplication and growth stages (culture medium 1), compared with the medium where SOLUB® 13-40-13 fertilizer was used, used in hydroponic irrigations (culture medium 2).


Murashige, T y F. Skoog. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473-497 pp.

Wetherell, D. 1982. Introduction to in vitro propagation. Wayne N.J Avery publishing. 89 p.
How to Cite
Fariña, A., Niño , D., Duque , S., Maldonado , J., Roa , S., & Lucas Peña , J. (2017). Production of potato vitroplants in liquid culture medium under static system. INIA Divulga, 38(38), 65-67. Retrieved from