INIA Táchira high altitude fruit seed bank
The vegetable agricultural activity that involves sowing to produce any item, should begin with the basic input that is the seed, either the sexual type that is found in the fruit and produces a new plant, or asexual when it is another part of the plant. plant such as the root, stem or bulb, which are placed in an appropriate substrate producing a new plant called a clone.
Now, artisanal seed production occurs in productive systems that favor the use of local or adopted cultivars, and use manual processes, the seed generated by this system can have a local distribution (Aponte, 2009).
In that order of ideas, tall fruit trees can be reproduced by sexual seed, which is placed in baskets or trays, containing substrate prepared with a mixture of sand and soil or commercial substrate, treated with hot water, or application of fungus Trichoderma in solution where the seeds are placed (Photos 1; and 2 a and b).
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