Zamorana and Emilinia: two new varieties of Venezuelan potatoes
Potato cultivation occupies an important sowing area in the state of Táchira and the demand for good quality seed is high, however the supply is low and its cost is high, because it is mainly imported.
At the National Institute of Agricultural Research of the state of Táchira, Pueblo Hondo Local Station, Emilio Constantino Guerrero parish, in the Jáuregui municipality, a promising genotype evaluation program has been carried out since 1988 with the participation of producers for the release of new varieties. The criteria for selecting the materials are: high yields, adaptability to different growing areas, resistance to late blight and acceptance by producers.
SENASEM. 2015. Protocolo para los ensayos de validación agronómica de cultivares (EVAC) de papa.