Council of Potato Seed Producers of Táchira state: sustainable organization for rural development
The potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is one of the most consumed tubers in Venezuela and the rest of the world, it is par excellence one of the foods in the human diet that has great nutritional value, raising it to one of the most popular items . That is why, in honor of the socio-productive importance of this crop, it should not be seen as a simple tuber that belongs to an agricultural system, but also, it is the essence of a culture and way of life in the communities of the Tachira fields, since, the Papero peasant expresses a great hard dedication, fighting spirit, cultural identity and subsistence.
In search of strengthening these values, the National Institute for Agricultural Research of the state of Táchira (INIA Táchira), has been developing a method of peasant organization aimed at producers that responds to one of the weaknesses that affects the sustainability of the socio-productive system of the potato sector. seed and solvent category the absence of a strategic organization that is integrated, directed and administered by the same Paperian men and women (men and women of the potato).
The potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is one of the most consumed tubers in Venezuela and the rest of the world, it is par excellence one of the foods in the human diet that has great nutritional value, raising it to one of the most popular items. That is why, in honor of the socio-productive importance of this crop, it should not be seen as a simple tuber that belongs to an agricultural system, but also, it is the essence of a culture and way of life in the communities of the Tachira fields, since, the Papero peasant expresses a great hard dedication, fighting spirit, cultural identity and subsistence.
In search of strengthening these values, the National Institute for Agricultural Research of the state of Táchira (INIA Táchira), has been developing a method of peasant organization aimed at producers that responds to one of the weaknesses that affects the sustainability of the socio-productive system of the potato sector. seed and solvent category the absence of a strategic organization that is integrated, directed and administered by the same Paperian men and women (men and women of the potato).
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícola INIA Producción de Semilla de papa en Venezuela. 2005, Seria de Manuales de Cultivo INIA Nº 5.
Ley Orgánica de Soberanía y Seguridad Agroalimentaria.2008. Nº 6071, publicado en Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria Nº 5889 del 31 de Julio del año 2008. Art. 16,18 Numeral: 3, 5, 6, 7,8.
Ley de Creación y Estimulo Promoción y Desarrollo del Sistema Micro Financiero. 2001. Gaceta oficial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela N° 37164 del 22 de marzo de 2001. Art. 2.