Characterization of the local chicken production systems of the Bolívar-Venezuela state years 2015-2016
Hens have greater adaptability than species such as cattle, goats, among others. They can forage for their own food in the yard or orchard (in the case of grazing birds) or receive it from those who handle it when they are partially or totally confined. Poultry production can be extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. In the case of those reared in the yard, extensive or intensive predominates, Villanueva et al., 2015.
In this sense, the present exploratory work was carried out in the month of October 2015, in the state of Bolívar, during a tour of the municipalities: Cedeño, Sucre, Heres, Caroní, Piar and Gran Sabana, with the purpose of identifying and characterizing the systems of exploitation of local chickens, Gallus domsticus L., in order to obtain information on the productive benefits and characteristics of the accommodation for future work to improve production, in the management conditions, climate and commercial benefit in rural communities of the region.
INE, 2011. Informe geoambiental del estado Bolívar. Gerencia de Estadística Ambiental.
FAO, 2007. Producción y manejo de aves de traspatio. Programa Especial para la Seguridad Alimentaria, México. 31 p.
Villanueva, C., A. Oliva, A. Torres, M. Rosales, C. Moscoso y E. González. 2015. Manual de producción y manejo de aves de patio. CATIE; Serie Técnica, Manual Nº 128. 64 p.