Fattening of the Cachamoto hybrid in Australian tanks with a water recirculation system (SRA)

  • Luisa Centeno INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Estado Sucre
  • Humberto Gil INIA. Campo Experimental Cariaco, estado Sucre
  • Nailet Vásquez INIA. Campo Experimental Cariaco, estado Sucre
  • Jorge Maza INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Estado Sucre
  • Osmicar Vallenilla INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Estado Sucre
  • Douglas Altuve INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Estado Sucre


Fish farming has expanded in much of Venezuela through extensive methods in land lagoons. However, Water Recirculation Systems (SRA) are presented as a new form of production for the agricultural sector (Avnimelech, 2009); because they allow the use of water sources and land in those areas that, due to their low available flow and possible restrictions on the use of agricultural land, do not allow the development of an economically profitable aquaculture activity. Commercial crops with these production systems are scarce, almost non-existent, only those developed at the research level in the states of Zulia, Monagas, Lara and Bolívar are known, therefore, it is necessary to venture into this field and thus be able to increase production volumes in areas with restrictions for traditional crops. For these reasons, in the present work the weight gain was evaluated in specimens of hybrid fish cachama x morocoto (cachamoto) cultured in an Australian tank at low stocking density and with recirculation of water.


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López, P. y D. Anzoátegui. 2013. Engorde de la cachama (Colossoma macropomum, Cuvier, 1816) cultivada en un sistema de recirculación de agua. Instituto Regional de Tecnología y Desarrollo Agropecuario Bolívar. Centro Piscícola del Orinoco, Venezuela.

Narváez, M., A Flores, M. Zapata, J. Franco, A. Merlo y R. Domínguez. 2011. El cultivo de cachamas como alternativa socio-productiva. INIA Divulga N°19.

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How to Cite
Centeno, L., Gil, H., Vásquez, N., Maza, J., Vallenilla, O., & Altuve, D. (2017). Fattening of the Cachamoto hybrid in Australian tanks with a water recirculation system (SRA). INIA Divulga, 37(37), 29-31. Retrieved from http://publicaciones.inia.gob.ve/index.php/iniadivulga/article/view/630