Establecimiento de bancos de proteína vegetal como alternativas alimenticias en la producción de avicultura familiar
Nowadays animal nutrition, especially poultry, takes importance due to the increase in production costs in the production of quality food for hens and chickens; However, it is necessary to be efficient in the feeding management of the birds, therefore, alternatives must be sought that provide the animal with the nutritional requirements, in order to optimize production and reproduction economically and in harmony with the environment.
Based on the above, the importance of plant species can be emphasized, forage plants of nutritional interest for animals, among which stand out: mulberry (Morus alba), nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea), forage peanut (Arachis pintoi) and moringa (Moringa oleifera), which have high nutrient content and are ideal for establishing protein banks.
Protein banks are extremely important in animal nutrition, since they manage to supply part of the demand for food that currently exists in the country, dehydrating the foliage to make flour or in a fresh state.
The producer can establish the protein bank with the plants mentioned above. The objective of this work is to show the experience in the field, with the communities, in order to motivate poultry producers to establish banks, so that they have natural food throughout the year and also, minimize the costs of poultry maintenance, improving the environment and its quality of life. The biomass production of a crop of forage plants, with high protein content, depends on the degree of commitment of the producer, who will offer their chickens and hens a quality feed at the time of processing, so that the birds can give a significant response in the production of meat or eggs.
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