Pregnancy and maternity in deep litter systems as an agroecological alternative for pig production, backyard experience
The deep litter system in swine production constitutes an alternative for pig rearing at a family level and contributes significantly to reducing pollution to the environment, in addition to being, from the feeding point of view, an economical source of obtaining pigs. tasty and healthy animal protein.
The use of the deep litter system for raising pigs at a family level generates a minimum environmental impact, since it has the goodness of not creating effluents because the litter used acts as an absorbent, considerably reducing odors and the presence of flies. , allowing a rational use of water, as well as animal and human welfare.
It has been pointed out that the gestation of sows in deep litter is possible as long as the litter is properly managed, it is beneficial for the sow from the point of view of air quality, poise, exercises and other positive behaviors, these components of the so-called animal welfare (Pig World, 2012).
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