in vitro propagation of Musaceae
Tropical countries must establish an agricultural production model that contributes to guaranteeing the food of their peoples, generating income for the inhabitants of rural areas and preserving the diversity of edible plants. In Venezuela, the production of musaceae is of great economic importance, because it is a food of great nutritional value and is frequently consumed fresh throughout the national territory. Its products are marketed throughout the country and exported beyond its borders.
Ortega DF, Tamayo AC, Calderón J, Galván R. 2011. Establecimiento aséptico en la micropropagación in vitro de banano Williams AAA subgrupo Cavendish. Tierra Tropical. 7 (2): 205-20.
Ramírez M., Lindorf H y García E.2011.Cambios morfoanatómicos del apice del vástago de banano CIEN BTA-03 y su parental Williams bajo condiciones in vitro. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de LUZ 28 (Supl.1) 62-72
Ríos G, Añez M, Ramírez M, Bracho M, Araújo D, Suárez H. 2013. Cultivo in vitro de yemas tratadas con benciladenina proveniente de cormos enteros o seccionados de plátano «Cambur Manzano». Bioagro. 25 (2): 137-42.