Innovation in the cultivation of stevia in peasant communities of the state of Mérida

  • Nakari Rujano Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira
  • Jesús Monroy Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira
  • José Hernández Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira


Stevia rebaudiana, is a plant native to the southeast of Paraguay, from the subtropical jungle part of Alto Paraná, it is known ancestrally by its aborigines as a sweetener and medicinal plant. The leaves of S. rebaudiana are composed of small amounts of steviol diterpene glycosides, with stevioside and rebaudioside A being the main compounds responsible for their sweetening action.


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Guerrero, R. 2005. Planta endulzante con mucho futuro. Diario La Prensa. Nicaragua. Jueves 14 de abril de 2005.

Jenet A. 1985. Die Substoffpflanze Stevia rebaudiana Bert. 81 p.

Lemus, R., A. Vega, L. Zura and K. Ah. 2012. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high potency natural sweetener: A comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects. Food Chemistry 132 (1121-1132 pp).
How to Cite
Rujano, N., Monroy, J., & Hernández, J. (2016). Innovation in the cultivation of stevia in peasant communities of the state of Mérida. INIA Divulga, 34(34), 13-16. Retrieved from