INIA Mérida Soil Laboratory at the service of agricultural producers
Agriculture has traditionally been an important part of economic activities in the state of Mérida, being one of the main potato and vegetable producing states in the country.
The National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Mérida, (INIA Mérida), considering the potential of the Andean region, meets the demand of the state's production systems and aims to contribute to the sustainable and competitive development of the agricultural sector, through, of their goods and services available to Andean producers.
Norma ISO/IEC 17025. 2005. “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración”.
Gilabert, J., I. López y R. Pérez. 2003. Análisis de suelos para diagnostico de fertilidad. Manual de métodos y procedimientos de referencia. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas. Plan institucional para uniformar metodologías analíticas. 2da. Edición.