Fertility levels in soils of the José María Vargas municipality

  • Michel Sánchez Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira
  • José Lucas Peña Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira
  • Leonardo León Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira
  • Oscar Caballis Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Táchira


The José María Vargas municipality has an area of ​​1,840 hectares, of which 1,693.4 are cultivated, representing 16.9% of the agricultural area of ​​the Táchira state. This municipality together with Jáuregui, Uribante, Rafael Urdaneta and Junín are the ones with the highest production of vegetables, using a large amount of agrochemicals. For example, culturally, the potato producers of the José María Vargas municipality incorporate a 1:1 relationship between the sown seed bag and the fertilizer bag into the soil; more specifically, if a producer sows between 30 and 40 seed bags per hectare, that same amount of compound fertilizers is incorporated into the soil (Esther, 2005).


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How to Cite
Sánchez, M., Peña, J. L., León, L., & Caballis, O. (2016). Fertility levels in soils of the José María Vargas municipality. INIA Divulga, 34(34), 57-63. Retrieved from http://publicaciones.inia.gob.ve/index.php/iniadivulga/article/view/766