Participatory evaluation of cassava clones with yield potential in Trujillo state

  • José Solarte Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Trujillo
  • Edilma Castellanos Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Trujillo
  • Lislibeth González Agricultural Research Institute. INIA Trujillo


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is considered one of the main energy sources in human and animal nutrition, as well as having great potential at an industrial level (Torres et al., 1999).


In Venezuela, cassava cultivation occupies an area of 59,231 hectares, in which 492,201 tons are produced, with a yield of 246.4 tons/ha. However, there is a need to import raw material from other items for the preparation of concentrated foods, when cassava could be produced for these purposes. In this regard, the Trujillo state occupies an area of 1,561 hectares, in which 13,285 tons are produced, with a yield of 14.04 tons/ha (VII National Agricultural Census, 2008).


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CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical). 1993. Evaluación de nuevas variedades de yuca con la participación de agricultores. Documento de trabajo N° 130. Cali, Colombia. 85 p.

Morros, M. E. y A. Pire. 2003. Evaluación participativa de materiales promisorios de vainita Phaseolus vulgaris L. en las zonas altas del estado Lara. Revista Facultad de Agronomía, Caracas, Vol. 20, N° 1, enero 2003.

Torres, J., N. Moreno y N. Contreras. 1999. El cultivo de la yuca. Maracay, Venezuela. Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias del Estado Barinas. (Serie B – N°.36). 28 p.
How to Cite
Solarte, J., Castellanos, E., & González, L. (2016). Participatory evaluation of cassava clones with yield potential in Trujillo state. INIA Divulga, 34(34), 67-69. Retrieved from