Tongue grafting in avocado cultivation

  • Betty Paz National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Luis Torres Agronomist, producer


The avocado crop has important nutritional and medicinal properties due to its high oil content (12 – 30%) and proteins (1.5 – 2.5%), in addition to its carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral content, which It gives it great possibilities in increasing human consumption (Alfonso, 2008).


In Venezuela, from the period 2008 - 2010, it was considered among the fruit trees that had the largest cultivated area and production volume, being one of the few crops in which there was an increase of 122% in its harvested area, but since then yield has been diminished due to the lack of agronomic practices, which disadvantage productivity

of cultivation (MAT, 2010).



Alfonso, J. 2008. Manual Técnico del cultivo del Aguacate. Centro de Comunicación Agrícola de la Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA). La Lima, Cortés, Honduras. 48 p.

Ministerio de Agricultura y Tierras (MAT). 2010. Cifras estadísticas de superficie, producción y rendimiento de cultivos en Venezuela.
How to Cite
Paz, B., & Torres, L. (2016). Tongue grafting in avocado cultivation. INIA Divulga, 33(33), 10-13. Retrieved from