Marchitez bacteriana como principal limitante en la producción de semilla de papa

  • José Salas National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Trujillo
  • Jorge Coronado National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Trujillo
  • Edsel Rodríguez National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Trujillo
  • Yohan Guandá National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Trujillo


The production process of potato cultivation presents a set of limiting factors that have a negative impact on obtaining good harvests and even more so on the production of seed of good phytosanitary quality. In high areas, some insect pests and diseases, such as bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), play an important role. This bacteria affects more than 30 families of plants, both cultivated and wild. Among the most susceptible crops is the potato, also the tomato and the nightshade family in general. Martin and French, 1985 cited by García et al. (1999).


Martin, C. y E. R. French. 1985. La marchitez bacteriana de la papa. Enfermedades bacterianas. Boletín de Información Técnica N°. 13 CIP Lima Perú. p 1.

García R., A. García y L. Delgado. (1999). Distribución, incidencia y variabilidad de la Ralstonia solanacearum, agente causal de la marchitez bacteriana de la papa estado Mérida. Bioagro 11(1): 12-23.
How to Cite
Salas, J., Coronado, J., Rodríguez, E., & Guandá, Y. (2016). Marchitez bacteriana como principal limitante en la producción de semilla de papa. INIA Divulga, 33(33), 33-36. Retrieved from