Bramón Experimental Field: Hacienda El Paraíso
The “El Paraíso” farm is located in the Táchira state, Junín municipality, La Palma sector at 1,100 meters above sea level with an average annual temperature of 23 °C and sandy loam soils. There are several systems that make it up: plant, animal and educational. In order to give the producer and the students a diversified comprehensive field model with items such as: coffee, sugar cane, musaceae, citrus fruits, vegetables, pastures; as well as backyard sheep and poultry production, among others.
Gómez F., y E. Rubio. 2016. La granja ecológica integral. Ficha técnica de SAGRAPA México V 14, 8 p.
Ramírez Poletto, E. 2015. Reconocimiento en campo de las principales enfermedades que afectan al cultivo de caña de azúcar en Venezuela. Maracay, VE. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas. 48 p.