Participatory evaluation of 16 cassava clones in the state of Mérida

  • María Ormeño National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Victoria Morales National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Zulia
  • Noris Terán CIARA. Training and Innovation Foundation to Support the Agrarian Revolution of the state of Mérida
  • José Garnica Retired. INIA Merida


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is a crop native to tropical America, consumed by indigenous people in the form of fresh roots or processed to make flour, casabe, masato or chicha de cassava. Cassava is considered one of the main energy sources in human and animal nutrition, in addition to having great potential at an industrial level. Although Venezuela is the center of origin of cassava and has exceptional conditions to produce it, it slightly exceeds 500 MT/year (FAO, 2011) with average yields of 10 t/ha, which is considered low.


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How to Cite
Ormeño, M., Morales, V., Terán, N., & Garnica, J. (2016). Participatory evaluation of 16 cassava clones in the state of Mérida. INIA Divulga, 33(33), 45-49. Retrieved from