Alternative feeding of growing and rearing pigs. Part I

  • Rafael Ramírez National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Táchira
  • Maira Fuenmayor National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Táchira
  • Rafael Semejal National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Táchira
  • Arminda Quintero National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Tachira
  • Emilio Cáceres National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Tachira
  • Carmen Celis Pig producers at “El Manantial” pig farm, Junín municipality, Tachira state
  • Freddy Ramírez Pig producers at “El Manantial” pig farm, Junín municipality, Tachira state


Sugar cane, Sacharum officinarum, originally comes from Asia, it is a perennial herbaceous plant, it adapts to tropical and subtropical climate conditions. It has a wide range of adaptation to altitude from sea level to 1,623 meters above sea level. It is the crop that produces the greatest amount of biomass in tropical conditions, from which the main product is juice, rich in soluble sugars, which can completely replace grains in concentrated foods.


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How to Cite
Ramírez, R., Fuenmayor, M., Semejal, R., Quintero, A., Cáceres, E., Celis, C., & Ramírez, F. (2016). Alternative feeding of growing and rearing pigs. Part I. INIA Divulga, 33(33), 56-59. Retrieved from