Citrus fruits, an important item in the state of Trujillo

  • Javier Santos INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Trujillo.
  • Héctor Coraspe INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Trujillo.


In Venezuela, citrus fruits represent the second most important fruit crop after musaceae (banana and banana), approximately the country has a planted area of ​​37,560 hectares and a production of 538,611 mt/year, with oranges being mentioned as the most cultivated species. , mandarins and limes (Aular et al., 2009; Faostat, 2011). In the state of Trujillo, citrus production began 30 years ago, when through coffee diversification programs, new species and varieties of citrus were introduced, which were established in small plots in some areas of this region, showing good adaptation. .


Aular, J., M. Cáseres y C. Torrealba. 2009. Manejo Hortícola de huertos de naranjo: Editorial Grafindustrial Lara. 109 p.

Avilán, R., l. y A. C. Rengifo, A. 1987. Los cítricos Editorial America. 484 p.

ASOPROCET (Asociación de Productores de Cítricos del Estado Trujillo). 2012 Presentación Power point. Reunión técnica ULA-NURR (no publicado).

Faostat 2011, 193,43,36,221/site/567/DesktopDefault. aspx?PageID=567#Ancor (consulta 15-08-2013).
How to Cite
Santos, J., & Coraspe, H. (2015). Citrus fruits, an important item in the state of Trujillo. INIA Divulga, 32(32), 5-8. Retrieved from