Production of fingerlings at the INIA Delta Amacuro, distribution and technical assistance

  • Alcibíades Carrera INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Delta Amacuro.
  • Carlos Moreno INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Delta Amacuro.
  • Trinidad Urbano INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Sucre and Nueva Esparta.
  • Vitelia Carrasquero INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Sucre.


In Venezuela, fish farming has expanded in the last two decades, currently having about 300 fish farms with a total area of approximately 3,200 hectares, located in various areas of the country, which produce around 5,000 tons per year. However, this activity is concentrated in a few species of fish, among which are the cachama (Colossoma macropomum), morocoto (Piaractus brachypomus), the hybrid known as cachamay or cachamoto (cross between C. macropomum x P. brachypomus), coporo (Prochilodus mariae) and to a lesser extent peacock bass and striped catfish (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum).


Matute C., V. Carrasquero, C. Moreno., T. Urbano y J. L. Pérez. 2008. Evolución de la producción de alevines en el INIA Delta Amacuro. II Foro Iberoamericano de los Recursos Marinos y la Acuicultura. Cumaná, estado Sucre, Venezuela.

Urbano T., A. Silva, C. Moreno, L. Medina, J. L. Pérez y C. Matute. 2012. Evaluación del Ovopel como agente inductor al desove del coporo, empleando diferentes protocolos de aplicación. INIA Divulga 23: 44-46.
How to Cite
Carrera, A., Moreno, C., Urbano, T., & Carrasquero, V. (2015). Production of fingerlings at the INIA Delta Amacuro, distribution and technical assistance. INIA Divulga, 32(32), 37-45. Retrieved from