Experience in soil compaction at the INIA-CENIAP Experimental Field
In order to evaluate the degree of soil compaction of some lots in the CENIAP Experimental Field, an experience was carried out based on determinations such as: apparent density, modulus of rupture, macroporosity, permeability and plasticity, texture and some physical-chemical analysis. . This evaluation provides necessary information in the aspect of porosity, in particular it will indicate the reduction of the macropores where oxygen is found and the micropores where water is housed, which could cause a detriment to the growth of crops. On the other hand, the decrease in infiltration speed increases runoff flows, exacerbating erosive problems. Which is known as the increase in the apparent density of a soil as a result of applied loads or pressure, which implies that the soil has a certain density or state of compaction before the application of force (Baver and Gardner, 1973).
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