Importance of the control sample in soil analyzes

  • Janeth Portilla INIA-CENIAP. National Agricultural Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Center, Agroecological Resources Unit, Soil Biology Laboratory. Maracay, Aragua State
  • Keyla Heredia INIA-CENIAP. National Agricultural Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Center, Agroecological Resources Unit, Soil Biology Laboratory. Maracay, Aragua State
  • Miguel Belloso INIA-CENIAP. National Agricultural Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Center, Agroecological Resources Unit, Soil Biology Laboratory. Maracay, Aragua State


The Soil Laboratories of the National Agricultural Research Institute apply specific and standardized methodologies that consider the inclusion of a control in each batch of samples that is analyzed, to detect in time any irregularities that may arise during processing and offer the producer a quality assurance service. quality. This sample is nothing more than a soil used as an internal control, for which all the laboratory parameters of interest are known. Underlying each result that the laboratory produces is the vast scientific experience of more than 50 years that the institution has in the soil area and the commitment to ensure the permanent improvement of all processes through a quality approach that maintains reliability. of producers who use the soil-plant-water analysis and amendments laboratory service.


INIA. 2005. SGCL MAN-078. Manual de Área de Ensayo. Manejo de Muestras de Suelo ISO 17500:2000. Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración. (COVENIN 2434:2000).

Válcarcel M, y A. Ríos. 2002. La calidad de los laboratorios analíticos. Editorial Reverté S.A. Disponible en línea: wassC&hl=es&source=gbs_navlinks_s [Consultada 15-08-2015].
How to Cite
Portilla, J., Heredia, K., & Belloso, M. (2024). Importance of the control sample in soil analyzes. INIA Divulga, 31(31), 29-31. Retrieved from