Design of a module for the composting of small amounts of organic waste
Composting is a dynamic process carried out by the combined activity of a wide variety of microbial populations (Gray and Biddlestone, 1973). These populations act in an environment of relatively limited duration, where each one actively intervenes in the decomposition of organic materials, mainly requiring carbon and nitrogen for their development. Cegarra (1998) points out that low values of the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio delay the composting process and increase the loss of nitrogen. On the contrary, initial values greater than 35 promote numerous cycles of activity of the microorganisms with greater delay in the process. Consequently, it is estimated that 25 times more carbon than nitrogen is necessary for microbial activity, with optimal C/N values being considered around 25 in the original materials. Composting is completed when the C/N ratio is reduced by this microbial action to approximately 10/1; which is equivalent to the C/N ratio of soil humus.
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