Analysis of agricultural research/extension approaches and methodologies used by FONAIAP Lara in the period 1988 – 1999

  • Carlos Falcón INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Lara, El Cují; Barquisimeto, Lara state.
  • Zoraida Peña INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Lara, El Cují; Barquisimeto, Lara state.


On a global scale, in the 1950s, conventional rural development strategies tended to view development as a series of technical transfers with the aim of increasing agricultural production. In the same way, in Latin America, rural development approaches had focused only on the generation and adoption of technologies; Guillen et al. (1999) indicate that institutions and planners in the agricultural sector until recently considered that increasing agricultural production was a problem only of technology. However, the appropriation of these in rural areas was not desired, for not considering the cultural, social, economic and technical differences that exist in the various rural contexts. The situation raised generated a disarticulation between the technology generated and that used in local conditions.


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Goez, J. y M. LeCompte. 1984. Etnográfica y diseño cualitativo en investigación educativa. Ediciones Morata. Madrid, España. 147 p.

Guillen, L., C. Sánchez y P. Del Castillo. 1999. EL SIVAP. Un Modelo de Transferencia y Tecnología Agrícola. En: Análisis organizacional en el sector rural. Vol. 1. SIVAP/Colegio de Postgraduados. Editorial Futura. México. 122 p.
How to Cite
Falcón, C., & Peña, Z. (2024). Analysis of agricultural research/extension approaches and methodologies used by FONAIAP Lara in the period 1988 – 1999. INIA Divulga, 30(30), 39-42. Retrieved from