Rain phenomenon in the semi-arid
The semi-arid is characterized by prolonged dry periods with irregular but very intense rains when they occur. The annual averages of precipitation are 350 millimeters, a typical characteristic of a territory with little availability of water as a result of the absence of rain in long seasons. Hence, when torrential downpours fall on bare and dusty lands, they regularly cause erosion and degradation of the soil, washing away, in most cases, the little existing vegetation. Regarding these semi-arid conditions, Ferrer (2012) points out that the local ecology is represented by a scattered vegetation of woody and succulent thorns that do not form a continuous tapestry but at most small “spots” where the scarce edaphic material is deeper. .
Escalona, B. 2010. Investigación cualitativa. Fundamento y praxis. Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Venezuela. p 67-72
Ferrer, E. 2012. Geografía ambiental del estado Lara subregiones y microrregiones. [CAPITULO IX], Editorial Ecocosmos, Barquisimeto. Venezuela
Núñez, J. 2005. Saberes campesinos y educación rural. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Venezuela. p 87
Tunnerman, C. 2000. Universidad y Sociedad. Balance Histórico y Perspectivas desde América Latina. Primera
Edición. Comisión de estudios de Postgrados.
Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas.