Food production is a topic that has sparked interest worldwide.

  • María Angélica Ormeño INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Merida


At present, food production is a topic that has aroused interest worldwide due to the increase in extreme poverty that affects millions of people around the world, including people from both developed and developing countries. . For this reason, the United Nations (UN), the FAO and other global institutions are seeking to develop and massify strategies that allow us to obtain food at low costs, healthy and in harmony with the environment. Giving special interest to the production systems used by family farming, which produces 70% of the food consumed by the world's population and which has shown that with little investment and a lot of will it is possible to supply our peasant families and provide food to local communities.


How to Cite
Ormeño, M. A. (2014). Food production is a topic that has sparked interest worldwide. INIA Divulga, 29(29), 1. Retrieved from