Sprouting in potato tubers
The potato crop, Solanum tuberosum L. belongs to the nightshade family, it is one of the foods richest in carbohydrates, providing the diet with nutrients such as: protein, glycoalkaloids, carbohydrates and vitamin C, it also has a high content of thiamine, riboflavins, niacins, among others. Morphologically, the tuber is a shortened underground stem that is thickened and provided with buds or eyes in the axils of its scaly leaves. Once harvested, the tuber enters a period of rest or dormancy, which can last weeks or months between harvest and initiation of sprouting.
Ñustez, L. 2002. Evaluación del efecto del tamaño del tubérculo semilla y de la densidad de Siembra; sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y producción en tres variedades de papa colombiana. Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.