Germination and emergence of two varieties of eggplant under conditions of Pampanito, Trujillo state
The eggplant Solanum melongena L. is a plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family and has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. The center of origin is located between India, Burma and China, as well as Egypt, Turkey, Japan and Indonesia; Eggplant is very popular, its cultivation and consumption are widespread due to its value as a low-calorie food. In Venezuela, in 2007, a production of 11,100 tons was recorded in an area of 798 hectares (FAO, 2007); within the solanaceae, it is the least cultivated compared to potatoes, tomatoes and paprika. It is a crop that adapts to soils in warm areas that are poor in organic matter; however, it is a vegetable that is an important source due to its dietary properties.
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