Medicinal plants a recipe forgotten by many and for others the economic opportunity

  • Izmir Barreto INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Portuguesa


Press-INIA (Yaracuy). A medicinal plant is a resource, whose part or extracts are used as a medicinal dose in the treatment of some condition. The part of the plant used medicinally is known as a plant drug, and can be supplied under different medical forms, either; capsules, tablets, cream, cooking, elixir, infusion, syrup, tincture, ointment, among others. The National Agricultural Research Institute INIA of Yaracuy state has been carrying out studies in this area since 2009 to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the ancestral knowledge of the communities in the region.


How to Cite
Barreto, I. (2024). Medicinal plants a recipe forgotten by many and for others the economic opportunity. INIA Divulga, 29(29), 28-30. Retrieved from