Vigrapolg biopesticide based on granulovirus for management of the Guatemalan moth

  • Laura Niño INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Luis Prieto INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Wilmer Santiago INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Marisol Montilla INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida
  • Mirna Labrador INIA. National Agricultural Research Institute of the State of Mérida


The potato moth, Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), also known as the Guatemalan moth (Figure 1), has caused economic losses in the Andean countries (Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) and recently in the Canary Islands (Spain). The spread of this pest from Central America to the currently affected regions has been carried out through seed tubers, causing damage both in the field and in the warehouse, reducing their quality, opportunities for use and affecting the marketing of the harvested product (Niño, 2004).



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How to Cite
Niño, L., Prieto, L., Santiago, W., Montilla, M., & Labrador, M. (2024). Vigrapolg biopesticide based on granulovirus for management of the Guatemalan moth. INIA Divulga, 29(29), 50-54. Retrieved from