Main diseases that affect the cultivation of passion fruit in the state of Barinas
Passion fruit, Passiflora edulis Sims, is one of the main fruits grown in the country, and is highly appreciated for its consumption and industrial use such as: juices, concentrates, pulp, among others, which has great acceptance in the national market. There are various problems that affect production in the country, the main limiting factor being diseases, which play a leading role in the production process, since depending on their severity and incidence, they can considerably reduce production yields. Especially diseases caused by soil fungi, which cause greater damage when they are heavy in texture. (García 2002; Florio and Florio 2007).
Delgado-Méndez, C., J. Cataño-Zapata y B. Villegas– Estradas 2013. Caracterización del agente causal de la roña del maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa DEGENER) en Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 37(143): 1/13. Disponible en http:/ www. Consultado el 04/02/2014.
Florio, S. y G. Florio 2007. La parchita en Venezuela. Aspectos morfológicos, botánicos, requerimientos edafoclimáticos y nutricionales ( I Parte) Producción y Negocio. 19:19-30.
García M. 2002. Guía técnica Cultivo Maracuyá Amarillo. Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal (CENTA) El Salvador. 33 p.
UEMPPAT, 2011. Datos de Siembra, cosecha y producción por mes Sector agrícola vegetal, Estado Barinas (Enero-Noviembre) Datos no publicados.