An Agriculture designed with human beings and the environment in mind. The strength of organization and articulation Part I
The starting point of the interaction between the Cooperative Alliance and FONAIAP Lara (currently INIA Lara) was determined by the coincidence that existed between the farmers' proposals to move towards a "Healthy Agriculture" and the interest of the technicians to start a process of rapprochement and interaction with the rural communities. For this reason, the activities were carried out under a participatory scheme, where the farmers became partners in the research process; the results of this interaction and fruitful dialogue gradually permeated the rigid institutional schemes. From the beginning, the aim was to facilitate development through strengthening the power of action of the communities for decision-making.
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democrática e Investigación/Desarrollo: El caso FONAIAP
Lara. Revista Investigación/Desarrollo para
América Latina. FONAIAP. Nº 2: 65-71.
Salazar, L. 1992. ¡Na Guará! También los campesinos
hacemos historia. FONAIAP. Proyecto de investigación
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