Biological and reproductive characteristics of the rice mouse captured in rice fields in the state of Guárico

  • Carmen Poleo Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Guárico.
  • Josefina Sánchez Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Guárico.
  • Rito Mendoza Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Guárico.


As a result of research carried out on commercial rice plantations in the Guárico River Irrigation System (S.R.R.G.) of the Guárico state, the presence of four species of wild rats associated with the crop was determined, among them we have the rice mouse, Oligoryzomys fulvescens, Saussure 1860; Poleo, 2008.


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How to Cite
Poleo, C., Sánchez, J., & Mendoza, R. (2013). Biological and reproductive characteristics of the rice mouse captured in rice fields in the state of Guárico. INIA Divulga, 24(24), 29-31. Retrieved from