Biotechnology as an alternative for the multiplication of Virginia pepperweed

  • María Brucato Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory. Institute of Scientific and Technological Studies. Simon Rodriguez National Experimental University.
  • Iselen Trujillo Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory. Institute of Scientific and Technological Studies. Simon Rodriguez National Experimental University.


Virginia pepperweed, Lepidium virginicum L., is a medicinal species known in Peru, Mexico and Venezuela (Schnee, 1960; Lindorf, 2001), belonging to the Brassicaceae family. This annual plant reproduces basically by seed, and has a vegetative and reproductive phase. It generally grows in regions under adverse conditions, with high intensities of sunlight, strong winds and temperatures below zero.


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How to Cite
Brucato, M., & Trujillo, I. (2013). Biotechnology as an alternative for the multiplication of Virginia pepperweed. INIA Divulga, 24(24), 32-35. Retrieved from