Participatory diagnosis: tool for community organization. Case: (FUSAGRI Property) Sucre municipality, Aragua state

  • Olga Teresa Ramírez INTI. National Land Institute of the Aragua State.


The development of a participatory diagnosis begins from the strategies promoted by the group in their role as research subjects, who are in charge of establishing their productive sector. It is a valuable tool when organizing communities through a space for dialogue and reflection to expose and debate the main problems and potential of the community.


Muñoz. 1988. Diagnóstico participativo comunitario. Documento en línea. Disponible en: http://pnfi

Bolívar, A, Rosales;C.; Rondón, A.; Delgado, E.; Suárez, Z, 2002.Referencial metodológico para la aplicación del diagnóstico rural participativo. Un paradigma alternativo útil en la investigación agrícola, Maracay, Venezuela., Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.
How to Cite
Ramírez, O. T. (2024). Participatory diagnosis: tool for community organization. Case: (FUSAGRI Property) Sucre municipality, Aragua state. INIA Divulga, 27(27), 7-10. Retrieved from