Non-traditional fruit trees Agro-industrial use of the cultivation of maya

  • Adolfo Cañizares Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Monagas State.
  • Osmileth Bonafine Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Monagas State.
  • Nairobis Cedeño University Institute of Industrial Technology Rodolfo Loo Arismendi.


Maya is a plant native to the American tropics, growing wild throughout northern South America. Particularly in Venezuela it is typical of the low and warm areas of the north of the country and the Caribbean islands; sometimes it is seen forming part of the thorny or xerophytic vegetation. It can be propagated by seeds, but the most practical way is through shoots that grow at the base of adult plants. They develop well in full sun, in soils that are poor in nutrients, but with good drainage. It is a resistant plant that can withstand prolonged droughts and requires warm places.


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How to Cite
Cañizares, A., Bonafine, O., & Cedeño, N. (2012). Non-traditional fruit trees Agro-industrial use of the cultivation of maya. INIA Divulga, 23(23), 8-12. Retrieved from