Student days in agricultural research. Three years of participation and promotion of science and innovation in the state of Yaracuy.

  • Jorge Borges Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • María Leon Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Mariana Barrios Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Lisbeth Dávila Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.


Science and technology are fundamental pillars for the development of any country. However, the socialization of this knowledge, as well as the support of the human talent involved in these activities is of great importance, since it guarantees the appropriation of technologies adapted to the socio-productive realities of the country, guaranteeing sovereignty and independence.


Proyecto Nacional Simón Bolívar. Primer Plan Socialista
2007- 2013. Presidencia de la República. Caracas,
septiembre, 2007.
How to Cite
Borges, J., Leon, M., Barrios, M., & Dávila, L. (2012). Student days in agricultural research. Three years of participation and promotion of science and innovation in the state of Yaracuy. INIA Divulga, 23(23), 15-17. Retrieved from