Community promotion of the artisanal rain gauge as an alternative for measuring precipitation on agricultural farms

  • Barlin Olivares Researcher. Agrometeorology Service. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Anzoátegui. INIA Anzoátegui.
  • José Torrealba Researcher. Agrometeorology Service. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Anzoátegui. INIA Anzoátegui.
  • Fernando Porras 2Academic Intern. Faculty of Agronomy. National Experimental Polytechnic University of the Bolivarian Armed Forces (UNEFA).
  • Jenny Chirinos Researcher. Agrometeorology Service. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Anzoátegui. INIA Anzoátegui.


Climatic variables are a fundamental part of the agricultural ecosystem. In fact, knowledge of environmental behavior, temporal changes, associations and interrelations with other components of the system such as crops, pests and diseases, animals, and man are a key factor in farm management to facilitate agricultural planning, allowing better use of available resources (Rodríguez and Messina, 1998).


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How to Cite
Olivares, B., Torrealba, J., Porras, F., & Chirinos, J. (2012). Community promotion of the artisanal rain gauge as an alternative for measuring precipitation on agricultural farms. INIA Divulga, 23(23), 40-43. Retrieved from