Strengthening family farming in the Yumare Agricultural Colony, Yaracuy state

  • Luís Camacaro Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Melissa Viveros yara
  • Danny Fernández Associate Research Technician. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Bárbara Suárez Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Egli Fernández Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Alexis Salón Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Ender Aranguren Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.


The Yumare Agricultural Colony in the Manuel Monge municipality of Yaracuy state is characterized by being a rural area located in the middle of the great Aroa valley. It has a climate with high humidity and high temperatures. Its fundamental economic base is agricultural production, with citrus production and dual-purpose livestock production standing out. Its communities are characterized by the fact that the family group owns houses with large tracts of land ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 square meters, most of which are cared for by the woman and her children. These yards are not fully utilized, and are devoted to small conucos with crops such as yucca, banana, plantain, pigeon pea, among others, and backyard poultry farming.


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How to Cite
Camacaro, L., Viveros, M., Fernández, D., Suárez, B., Fernández, E., Salón, A., & Aranguren, E. (2012). Strengthening family farming in the Yumare Agricultural Colony, Yaracuy state. INIA Divulga, 22(22), 12-15. Retrieved from